Thursday, March 8, 2007

Musings on Bermuda

So I've found some things I love about the island (the weather, the immaculately dressed school children, the pace of life, watching the endlessly changing blue of the ocean, and driving a bike) and I've found some things I don't like so much (cockroaches, weird spiders that have the biggest webs, and humidity so thick some days you sweat even when you're standing still).

That being said, it beats snow and wind and ice and cold hands down.

I have now driven into Hamilton twice - I'm such an adventurer! Of course I wait until the morning rush hour is done and then it's fairly easy if you pay attention. Yesterday I came into town to meet Rod for lunch and try to get his suit dry cleaned (it got a bit mildewy - go figure). I haven't found a reliable dry cleaner or seamstress yet. You'd be surprised how much that matters when you don't have one.

It's been a while since I last blogged - I have to admit to some homsickness and a little bit of lonely. However, Rod and I went bowling tonight at Warwick Lanes - 10 pin - and it was fun, and not too expensive. There's more to settling into a new country than I remember from being a kid in Florida. Of course then I was in school within a week of arriving - not nearly as much time on my hands as I have now.

However, we're having some people over on Saturday for a St. Patrick's Day/Housewarming party. It's all Rod's co-worker's and significant others. Hopefully it's as much fun (almost) as the last party we threw.
Daisy and I went to the beach the other day. It's pretty obvious she loves it here (see photo if you don't believe me). Overall, it's still the most fun I've had in a long while - but I'll be glad when my paperwork is in and I can start applying for a job.
Well, that and waiting for summer weather so we can spend time at the beach!!
Hope everyone at home is good. Danielle, if you're reading this, I hope you are fine and everything is progressing as you'd hoped. You'd better send pictures in about 49 days!!
Hugs to everyone at home.
R & K.

Monday, March 5, 2007

A Car in the Works?

We've been scouring e-moo (the Bermuda online classfieds) to find a car. Bikes (scooters) are fun, but not when you're picking someone up from the airport with luggage or you have a big grocery shop to do.

I've just heard from someone who's selling his Mitsubishi wagon (go ahead, laugh) because he's moving in with his girlfriend. The price seems like a steal, so hopefully it's what we are looking for (even though we'll have to get him to deliver it since neither one of us can drive legally yet).

I'm on pins and needles waiting for Rod to get home. It's pointless calling his cell phone when I figure he's on the bike - hard to answer the phone while wearing a helmet and needing two hands to drive - so I'll pace until he gets home.

I practiced some more today on the bike - got groceries for supper tonight - having a ball!!

We miss everyone at home, but we don't miss the weather (feel free to swear at us now).


Karen & Rod.

Friday, March 2, 2007


Rod and I just got back from renting me a scooter. After the guys at Wheels made sure I wasn't hopeless at riding, I followed him out of Hamilton, thru two roundabouts to get to Middle Road and down to the Southampton Princess back entrance (which is the only way to get into our apartment complex).

I do believe I'll be a fair weather rider. It isn't very comfortable being a passenger when it's raining or very windy, never mind being the driver. If you don't pay attention, a strong gust could push you off the road.

However, I made it fine and can't wait to try again. Pictures to follow!

It was bound to happen

We've been here nearly a month now. I've got the apartment clean (finally), we have some pictures hung up (more to do, though) and we have curtains hung over the patio window.

And I'm bored. Becoming a Domestic Goddess was never on my list of accomplishments, and I need a new project.

I'm not complaining, mind you. I am, however, waiting for Rod to pick me up so we can head into Hamilton and get me a rental bike (scooter) for a week. I've found a few quiet streets I can practice on and really get a feel for whether or not this is a good form of transportation for me. The buses are okay, but I'm not used to being tied to someone else's schedule - especially when that schedule seems to vary from day to day (gotta love "Island time"). I'm really itching to do some serious exploring and take a whole bunch of pictures.

We went out last night and had a beer with a couple of Rod's co-workers - Nick and Steve. They're both Canadians (from the Ottawa area) here on contract. We were at a pub called the Robin Hood - the same place we went to watch the Superbowl last month. (Okay, we weren't really interested in the Superbowl, but Nick was throwing himself a birthday party also)

Some good news - my immigration paperwork is approved and pending signature!!! Time to start looking for a job.

And other good news - Rod's mom has her ticket to come visit and will be here for 3 weeks in April. Coincidentally, it's the same time period we were here in 2006 to see the Bermuda Masters Squash Tournament. I really hope she will enjoy herself here - our first visitor!

More info and pictures to come. Hugs to everyone at home.

Karen & Rod